Are you curious?

Curiosity. This is one of my favorite words lately and has been important for the last 6 years. To me this term is synonymous with intuition, gut instinct, and following your heart. It’s more playful than self-trust, but just as powerful.

Why? Because you are curious about things for a reason.

You’re called to certain topics, places, or people on purpose. There is something there for you. A job, important relationship, experience, or lesson.

When it calls, will you listen? Will you take action?

I want to remind you not to think about it too much. Logic is not needed for your intuition. Use it when planning your action steps. Logic will quickly talk you out of the risks that could change your life.

Allow yourself to dream, imagine, and be curious, knowing you can think logically after.


An important monthly release: your period.


What could possibly happen?