My experience in Embodied Enterprise

About two months ago, the Embodied Enterprise course I took ended, and I still haven’t written a review. I thought my review was long overdue, but my journey wasn’t complete. And actually, it won’t ever be and that’s why it’s so beautiful. Quickly into the course, I thought to myself, wow I’m really, actually doing this. This must be what it’s like to give birth. You know what you signed up for in terms of the final product - I’m going to have a baby (I’m going to create an online offering), but you can’t see any details. As the birth gets closer, you’re in shock - wow this is actually going to happen, like for real. You start to get nervous and question yourself all while being super excited. You might even delay the birth due to fear. But then, when it’s truly time to release it into the world, you get a burst of energy and it somehow becomes easier.

That’s where I am, seeing how the experience of EE with the beautifully supportive community truly prepared me for this life changing journey that’s not going to end, but continue evolving. I’m so grateful I listened to my curiosity and got to be a part of EE. Thank you.

*Embodied Enterprise by Panquetzani at @indigemama


Letting go in order to birth


Wisdom from children: turn it in already!