Reflections about a past challenge

I was recently reflecting on an event that challenged me - having to retake a course in school.

This happened for many reasons, but I was extremely disappointed. I realized that I thought very negatively of that event. Furthermore, I have assumptions of event outcomes being ‘right’ or ‘wrong,’ ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ I have judged myself and my actions, outcomes, behaviors, and thoughts. But there is no reason to. Reflection is great, but neutrally.

There is nothing wrong with me or anything I’ve done. I’m not bad. I don’t do bad. There is no bad. Learning experiences, growth, and challenges, yes. No good or bad. No black and white. I am not on trial. I don’t need to pick apart my actions. I’ve done nothing wrong. There is no wrong. I am human. As a human, my goal is to act from the heart. I can ask myself if I am moving from my heart space. But nothing needs to be measured. There is no need to critique myself so cruelly. I would never talk to others this way so why talk to myself in such a manner? What if I was my biggest cheerleader? What if I loved the person in the mirror so much, I complimented her every time I saw her? Imagine how my self-talk would change. Nobody wins from putting myself down.

I promise to compliment and celebrate and congratulate the reflection in the mirror. She is incredible. My human is amazing. She’s not the real me, but she’s the most tangible me I have. I am way more beautiful, wise, healing, powerful and intuitive than anything I can begin to imagine

Change your self-talk tone. There’s different ways to motivate and meanness is not the most effective. There are other ways. I encourage you to try something else and see what happens.


Let me hear you roar!


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